10 - The Cloud Journey

Module 10 - The Cloud Journey

The AWS Well-Architected Framework

  • The Cost Optimization pillar focuses on the ability to run systems to deliver business value at the lowest price point.
  • The Performance Efficiency pillar focuses on using computing resources efficiently to meet system requirements and to maintain that efficiency as demand changes and technologies evolve.
  • The Reliability pillar focuses on the ability of a workload to consistently and correctly perform its intended functions
  • The Operational Excellence includes the ability to run workloads effectively and gain insights into their operations

Benefits of the AWS Cloud

The six advantages of cloud computing are:

  • Trade upfront expense for variable expense.
  • Benefit from massive economies of scale.
  • Stop guessing capacity.
  • Increase speed and agility.
  • Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers.
  • Go global in minutes.