1 - Introduction to Amazon Web Services



Host traditionnal applications Full access to the OS

AWS Lambda - An AWS service for serverless computing

Host short running functions Service-oriented applications Event driven applicaiton No provisioning or managing server

Lambda fonction attends un “trigger” avant de s’exectuter. durée < 15mn

For example, a simple Lambda function might involve automatically resizing uploaded images to the AWS Cloud. In this case, the function triggers when uploading a new image.

Orchestration tool (docker)

ECS - Amazon Elastic Container Service Run container as scale Run on EC2

EKS - Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service run on EC2


Serverless Work wih ECS and EKS When using AWS Fargate, you do not need to provision or manage servers. AWS Fargate manages your server infrastructure for you.



Image customisé d’une instances pour redéployer à l’identique.


Region: A Region consists of two or more Availability Zones. Availability Zone:

Which factors should be considered when selecting a Region? (Select TWO.)

  • Compliance with data governance and legal requirements
  • Proximity to your customers

Amazon CloudFront: A global content delivery service based on a network of edge locations to cache content and deliver content to customers all over the world

AWS Outposts is a service that enables you to run infrastructure in a hybrid cloud approach